Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 6 - Digital Marketing Lesson

One major concept discussed at ABB Robotics was the difference in technical/ computer literacy between generations. He described my parent's generation as "digital immigrants," and stated we are "digital natives".  We learned how marketing to these two demographics differ, due to the two groups processing information differently.  He also took this into consideration when creating his project, RobotStudio.  RobotStudio is ABB Robotic's one-of-a-kind, in-house software for setting up and programming their robots.  It is an "optimized solution" for reducing end-user investments, reducing production down time, increasing productivity, and improving quality, and is a huge competitive advantage; it helps ABB Robotics lead the industry in not only precision and productivity, but also user friendliness.  Along with this, ABB Robotics has also created RobotStudio Community, which is an online community for ABB Robotics users and integrators. While originally  created for the "digital natives," it contains tutorials, forums, success stories, a blog, and content sharing. For having such a narrow niche, this community is huge; I saw posts on the forums with thousands of replies and comments, which is a massive number for any forum.

RobotStudio and RobotStudiohave led to a huge change in ABB Robotic's business model; everything is online today.  Today, their are less training costs, less need for customer service, customers can buy RobotStudio online (instead of having a physical inventory of CDs, which is incredibly efficient), and no travelling to conferences or industrial trade shows, all while significantly increasing market share and customer satisfaction.

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