Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 9 - Museum of World Culture

On our second free Saturday, Alex Braatz, Bryan Soderholm, Max Grothman, and I decided to explore the city before tonight's group activity.  We visited one of the attractions we researched prior to departure, the Varldskulturmuseet, or the Museum of World Culture. According to the museum website:

The museum interprets the concept of world culture in a dynamic and open-ended manner. On the one hand, various cultures are incorporating impulses from each other and becoming more alike. On the other hand, local, national, ethnic and gender differences are shaping much of that process. World culture is not only about communication, reciprocity, and interdependence, but the specificity, concretion and uniqueness of each and every individual.

I felt the exhibits showed this.  The first exhibit was all about travel and why humans travel across the globe.  Some reasons include religious pilgrimages, seeking refuge, migrant work, or for vacation. We had fun just looking around at the exhibit and how the information was presented.

 Then we moved on to the main exhibit, Kimono Fusion.  We entered the wild world of modern Japanese fashion, design, and culture, and wander around in awe.  The only way to describe what we saw was foreign. 

Also, we were able to see a massive, mixed-media, graffiti mural by Koralie and SupaKitch, two world-renowned street artists from France.  Watch the mural being made in the following video.

Then, to end the tour of the museum, we visited the children's exhibit. The plot of the exhibit is that aliens come to planet Earth, and give us their analysis of the impact we humans have on the globe, and how much damage we have caused and potentially could cause. While it was for kids, we still had fun in the exhibit.

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